O româncă stabilită în Los Angeles a făcut mărturii cutremurătoare despre iadul prin care trec acum locuitorii orașului mistuit de flăcări. Ea și partenerul ei au fost nevoiți să plece cu mașina din calea focului, iar scenele pe care le-au văzut păreau desprinse din filmele de groază.
The main conceptual idea of the text is to convey the panic and chaos experienced by residents of Los Angeles during a devastating wildfire.
The Romanian woman's firsthand account describes a scene of utter panic, with people fleeing their homes in a desperate attempt to escape the encroaching flames. Her description emphasizes the urgency and fear of the situation, comparing it to a scene straight out of a horror movie.
The main conceptual idea of the text is to convey the panic and chaos experienced by residents of Los Angeles during a devastating wildfire. The Romanian woman's firsthand account describes a scene of utter panic, with people fleeing their homes in a desperate attempt to escape the encroaching flames. Her description emphasizes the urgency and fear of the situation, comparing it to a scene straight out of a horror movie.